Saturday, June 29, 2013

Visual Movement

Visual Movement or Continuation is used to create a path that the audience should follow in the picture. Eugene Delecroix uses this in his painting called Christ Asleep During the Tempest. In the picture I have included six arrows to show where the artist wants you to look. When looking at the picture, the movement starts at the bottom right hand corner and moves diagonally into the top left hand corner. The three yellow arrows were used to show the movement towards Jesus Christ. Starting with the yellow arrow in the water, the waves are painted on an angle so that they frame Jesus Christ in a depression in the water. The boat looks like it is going over a wave, but it also looks like the water is framing Jesus Christ. The middle yellow arrow demonstrates the arm of the man next to Jesus. He is painted to look like he is falling, but he creates a visual movement or point towards the sleeping Jesus. The third yellow arrow was used to depict how the people in the boat are mostly looking at Jesus. They are surrounding him, but their faces are looking at him. The red arrows depict the movement of the boat to the mountain. The storm in the sky looks like it began at the mountain peak because of the vertical lines that the clouds make. The boat and the man behind Jesus are pointed toward the mountain.

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