Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Meaning of Kitsch

The Widow by Frederick Dielman is kitsch because it shows a cat in a gaudy ruff. Kitsch is described through art by depicting a popular icon in something gaudy or different. It stands out to you when you look at it. The Widow stands out because it is a cat sitting in a ruff which is an Elizabethan collar that women wore during that time.  So in other words, Dielman is using a cat to describe what this widow would look like instead of the woman that she really is.  

The Meaning of Aesthetics

Kane Kwei creates unique coffins that can be extremely aesthetic. People commission these coffins because they want to be buried in something that sums up their life. This car coffin would be for someone that drove or raced cars for example. He has also commissioned many different coffins including a rooster for a farmer and a chilli pepper for a restaurant owner.  

Role of Being an Artist Rule 4

Picasso's Temple Gardens shows how artists can give shape to their personal feelings, and religious ideas. The painting is meant to look like you are looking through a stained glass window. Each stairway leads into another door of the unknown. This stresses the idea of giving shape to what people imagine is in those doors.  

Role of Being an Artist Rule 3

Renzo Piano creates architecture that is self-sufficient and can be renewed with resources that are friendly to the country that the building is located in. This picture is of the Kansai International Airport Passenger Terminal Building. The curves of the roof are seen from the departure roads at the airport. This supports the idea that artists can make buildings more functional, beautiful, and create meaning to them. 

Roles of Being an Artist Rule 2

The Manneporte (Etretat) was created by Claude Monet. It clearly demonstrates the idea of how artists can make a visual masterpiece of the people, places, and things that they have seen in their life. He used oil on canvas to create a drawing of a cove that he had seen during his life.  

Roles of Being an Artist Rule 1

The Bookcase Without Books was created by Yayoi Kusama. This is a great piece of artwork to use to describe how artists helps people to see the world in new and different ways. As you can see, it is a sculpture that looks like it has been made up of gloves. This is a different way to look at a bookshelf because they normally aren't made of gloves.